Our current elementary program (1st-3rd Grade) is designed to develop independent thinkers and learners. At this stage of learning, students are filled with wonder and curiosity as they seek answers to the larger questions about the universe, the human purpose, and social justice. Elementary students are also exploring their social surroundings. The self-focused independence of the younger child gives way to a demanding search for identity within a group and the world. During uninterrupted blocks of time, a child can choose to work alone, with a peer, or in a small group. Students work at their own pace within expectations established in collaboration with their teacher. This fosters important time-management and organizational skills as well as a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Whole group instruction and meetings are also part of the Montessori classroom experience.
The elementary core curriculum, called "cosmic education” by Dr. Montessori, includes language arts, math, geography, history, botany, zoology, and earth science. Classes in art, music, Spanish, and physical education are an integral part of curriculum. Teachers ensure that each child is working at a comfortable yet challenging level. Smaller student to teacher ratios allow our faculty to carefully observe each child at work and evaluate their learning styles and written work.
Our elementary program cultivates a love of learning and enjoyment of school. A wide-reaching curriculum coupled with in-depth exploration results in students who are well prepared for the rigors of middle school.